Web Platform Library

Here are documents, links, videos relevant for project


Sleep Scotland
Sleep Scotland website
A lot about sleep
Zoe website
Zoe website
About healthy diet
WHO website
Who website
Physical activity
Environment Agency
Environment Agency website
Europe and environment


Sleep Scotland
Walker talk at Google
Why we sleep
Tim Spector talk about food
Tim Spector talk about food
At Zoe Science and Nutrition
Lieberman"Exercised: Why Something We Never
Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding
Sinclair talk at Google
David Sinclair talk at Google
Why we age and Why We Don't Have To


Mathew Walker book
Mathew Walker book
Why we sleep
Tim Spector book about food
Tim Spector book
Food for life
Exercised book
Dan Lieberman book Exercised:
Evolved to Do Is Healthy and Rewarding
Sinclair book
David Sinclair book Lifespan
Why we age and Why We Don't Have To


Handbook for swimming trainers
e-swimming LLP project
UK report
Learning swimming through game
e-swimming LLP project
Basic of Empathy Handbook
Basic of Empathy
Eduteach project Erasmus+
Preparaion of Empathy Workshop
Eduteach project Erasmus+


Rimmer "Addressing Disability Inequelities:
Let’s Stop Admiring the Problem
UK report
UK report Physical activity for general health
benefits in disabled children and disabled
young people: rapid evidence review
Image 1
A Systematic Review of Health Promotion
Promotion Programs to Improve Nutrition
Physical activity among young children with
disabilities: a systematic review protocol